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Bowthorpe EMP


Bowthorpe EMP is a manufacturer of surge protectors for Mains Power, Voice and Data Systems and High Voltage surge arresters.

An extensive range of products is available to meet demanding applications and diverse power and communications systems environments worldwide.

Surge Arresters

Tyco Electronics Energy Division covers a wide range of porcelain and polymeric transmission surge arresters. The Bowthorpe EMP range of arresters has demonstrated reliable performance in environments all over the world for over 60 years.

Bowthorpe EMP, unlike other manufacturers, recognise that some Power Utilities require the need to maintain the conventional ZnO porcelain surge arrester.

A program of continuous design update and development on the porcelain arrester has provided a range of surge arresters to meet the demands of most system voltages.

Design Evaluated and Type Tested at the HV Laboratory in Brighton. Bowthorpe EMP were the first manufacturer to develop the polymeric housed arrester for commercial operation (1983).

Range of HV surge arresters in service under the severest climatic conditions up to 550kV system. The range of arresters are unique, covered by worldwide patents to protect the company's extensive investment in R & D.

Surge Counters

The Bowthorpe EMP range of Surge Arrester monitoring instruments are fully tested for use with any manufacturers surge arrester.The SC12 is a Surge Counter only, whilst the SC13 provides the additional measurement of total leakage current. The analogue instrument provides a means of monitoring the current through the arrester and the leakage current over the surface of the arrester housing. Significant changes after installation may indicate a deterioration in the arrester or a build up of surface contamination.

These instruments, which require no auxiliary supply, are designed for installation in the earth connections of a single surge arrester or alternatively the SC12 may be used with the common earth of a three phase set. Fully weatherproofed and sealed for life they are housed in a one piece gravity die cast aluminium case coated to enhance its already high degree of resistance to surface corrosion. The glass viewing window is sealed in place, using a silicon rubber adhesive, and a desiccator is enclosed to ensure any residual moisture trapped during sealing is absorbed for the service life of the counter. Mounting is effected by means of an integrally cast lug at the rear of the case providing a single clearance hole for the galvanised steel M12 bolt supplied.

The SC12 and SC13 are service proven and require no special maintenance or servicing apart from general cleaning of the glass viewing window and the moulded epoxy resin line terminal bushing.

Surge Protection (Low Voltage)

Small/Home Office Surge Protectors
Professional Grade Surge Protectors
Distribution Surge Protector (600 Range)
Distribution Surge Protector (6651C Range)
Modular Distribution Surge Protectors (MDSP Range)
Plug-in Surge Protection (SPM Range)
RTM Series SSI Power Supply Lightning Protection

Surge Counters

Surge Counter (SC14)
Surge Counters (SC12 & SC13)

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